Friday, February 11, 2011

I Want the World on a String

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The February 2011 issue of ABA Journal contains an Article titled, "Law School? Bag It, Bloggers Say." Recent law school graduates and current third year law students are 'scamblogging' their job frustrations . . . Or let me say it more accurately: their 'lack of job' frustrations.

This article includes several examples of outraged law graduates and current law students. Their outrage is geared and pointed at their law schools.  Their outrage is directed from the current job market.  Their outrage is outrageous.  Why you ask? I'm glad you did.

ABA Journal reports, "[O]ne Boston College Law School 3L recently wrote an open letter to the school's dean asking for a return of his tuition in exchange for a promise to drop out of school without obtaining his degree. 'With fatherhood impending, I go to bed every night terrified of the thought of trying to provide for my child and paying of my JD, and resentful at the thought that I was convinced to go to law school by empty promises of a fulfilling and remunerative career" (emphasis in the original)

Really?  What a ridiculous statement. In the law of contracts, even if you get a bum deal, with consideration, bargain, and a "meeting of the minds" you still get a contract.  So, if this 3L listened in Contracts, he'd know that he will be responsible for making the decision; for making the contract.  Also, does he think his three years of money was for paper?  That he has WASTED his money? He has after all gained three years of legal knowledge.  He, as Kingsfield said, has had his brain turned from mush and now thinks like a lawyer.

Image from
And what empty promises?  The promise was to receive a law degree from that school, which he will. No school ever promises that you'll change the world making $200,000 per year.  Do law schools really need a "These results not typical" disclaimer when promoting their alumni?  Also, assuming he'll pass the bar, he will be in a select profession.  One that is fulfilling and remunerative (unless you're pro-bono).

Mark Twain aptly said, "Don't go around saying the world owes you a living, The world owes you nothing. It was here first."  Really, if you're an attorney, you're never unemployed.  There is always a market for honest, compassionate attorneys that call their clients back and care about the person.  Make a reputation for yourself and the money will make itself.


  1. I think the biggest challenge for attorneys is in the battle against the stereotype the general public has for attorneys. Certainly there are good, compassionate attorneys out there but fighting that stereotype can be frustrating and, eventually for some, defeating.

    But I agree that the hard work in defeating that image is well worth the blood, sweat and tears. And maybe, even the lack of wealth.

  2. In the present job market there is a strong urge to find reasons for not finding work or a paying job. This is true for engineers, lawyers, teachers, etc. And especially in this era of high tuition and graduating with monster school debt, it is common to second guess the decision to pursue a costly degree. This thinking neither reduces the fear or the debt. It merely prolongs the agony. Get up and get moving is the best advice to change the situation.
    I am excited by your statement, "...if you're an attorney, you're never unemployed. There is always a market for honest, compassionate attorneys, ..." As an engineer, I know many of the lawyer negative stereotypes. But I also know from personal experience of the abundance of folks who are looking for honest, compassionate, legal help for a myriad of legal problems. And I further believe that it doesn't take a legal specialist with a lifetime of experience to help these folks. I do believe it takes "an honest, compassionate" law school grad who is earnestly pursuing his calling.
